Reset Your Day

A few weeks ago I was outside for my usual lunchtime walk. I was happily chatting on the phone to my parents, when it started to rain. I had a rain jacket on so wasn’t too fussed. I left my umbrella at the office as it felt quite windy and my brolly can’t cope in those situation. As I continued to walk, the rain got heavier and heavier. My clothes pass my rain coat were getting soaked, as I was holding the phone the rain was dripping down my sleeve. My shoes were drenched so I took shelter under a tree and then slowly made my way to a bus shelter, still the rain continued.

I chatted whilst waiting for the rain to stop, but it didn’t. The road became a river as the rain continued to pour down. I said goodbye and text my husband to see if he was free to pick me up. There was no way at this point I could go back to work wearing these clothes, I was soaked through. I got home just as the lightening lit up the sky. I took my soggy shoes off when I got in and then went to take all my wet clothes off. Not one piece was dry.

It occurred to me this was a point of reset in my day. I had no choice but to stop and start again. I certainly wasn’t going to go back to work and be in wet clothes all afternoon. So I put some comfy relaxed Friday afternoon clothes on and went back to work. 

It was interesting the shift in my mindset. I felt more productive on a Friday afternoon than I had in a long time. Just a change of clothing had uplifted my mood and motivated me to the weekend.

Below are three ways to reset your mindset during your workday to help boost your motivation levels.

  1. It’s lunchtime, take time out of your day to do something different, instead of doing your usual lunchtime routine, mix it up. Go to the restaurant you keep walking past, book an exercise class, go for a swim, take your book to work and find a cosy place to sit and read. Make this 30/60 minutes about YOU. Don’t think about work. If you work from home, then you can dance around your living room and really let go of the work day so far. Don’t think too much just do. What is it you always want to do but never have the time? Let your imagination run wild. You may have a limited amount of time, but you can do so much to start a personal project and sail into you afternoon feeling good.
  2. If you always end up working through your lunch and don’t particularly feel like moving from your desk, or you sit and read the news. Switch it up. Providing your IT/Internet policy allows, do some research online for subjects you are interested in, immerse yourself in the life and times of Jane Austen if that floats your boat or find out what makes Taylor Swift tick. The idea as I’ve said is for you to lose yourself completely in something you are passionate about to take your mind off work. Think how satisfied you will feel after your exploration, if it leaves you wanting more, think of what you will achieve tomorrow lunchtime.
  3. Create a treasure map. What on earth? I sense you all saying. What is it that you really want in life? What is your absolutely number one goal you are aiming for? Do you want a bigger house? A dream car? A luxury holiday? Five kids? Happiness – what does that look like for you? Ok so you have your goal, grab a piece of paper and draw a picture that reflects you goal in the middle of your page or write the words if it is easier. Then create a pathway to your goal, this can go round and round the page just like a treasure map. Along the way put points against it, create milestones for yourself to achieve and whilst you may need another paper to write the details down of these milestones, colour your treasure map in to make it standout. Think about what you can do each lunchtime to take you closer to your goal. Use the motivation to go into your afternoon to get through the rest of your day.

I hope this gives you some ideas on how to reset your day and go into your afternoon or evening with a renewed energy.

Thank you for reading, have a great week.

Look after you!

Love Emma xx

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