Dress To Impress….You!

Some days we wake up full of excitement and joy and other days we bumble out of bed and try to make it into a good day. Do the clothes you wear make you feel great, are they exciting you? Do you have to wear a uniform to work? If so, I am rather jealous as having the freedom to wear anything to work is a burden! 😊

Today is the 12th anniversary of Scott and I meeting, our eyes locked across a crowded pub and we fell in love instantly – no…wait…it didn’t go like that. Anyway, we celebrate it each year whether we go away on holiday or out for a meal. Either way we enjoy the day. But trying to figure out what to wear today was difficult. We hadn’t made a plan at this stage so we hadn’t decided where to go for lunch, so I was dressing for the unknown.

I tried on about three different outfits and they ranged from not fitting to just not feeling whooo hooo celebrate! in the back of my mind I was holding off wearing any of my favourite dresses I wear to work in case I wanted to wear it during the week. I then have clothes I love but keep them for best…but why? What is best when you don’t go ‘out out’ often! I save some dresses for best but they are usually quite casual in appearance and I am casual or out casual most of the time. So really they should be everyday clothes! In fact, I don’t have many fancy or formal clothes at all. What does that say about me! πŸ˜‰

I have some dresses/tunics and leggings that are a bit out there and different and I love them but am often not brave to wear them as they don’t quite cover my butt – Oh I am wearing leggings by the way! No-one sees my legs πŸ˜†. But today, I realised that it is a special day and if I feel comfortable in them then who cares what people think. So I am wearing bright purple leggings and a black and purple patterned tunic – I am not describing it very well. But in truth, even though it clings to my puffy bits, I love it and feel great in it. I am dressing for me and me alone. I am going to embrace the fact that although its a little too short, I love it! You have to love what you wear – so what if it isn’t model perfect and nor are you, that look is old news – we are women or men and we are real people, with real bodies with lumps and bumps and we have to embrace our whole selves and love or at least like the way we look in our clothes.

Me being me

If you don’t love the way you feel in your clothes or don’t have any favourite outfits, then maybe it’s the clothes that are the issue. Maybe it isn’t our bodies that are making us feel bad – it could just be that we aren’t in love with the clothes we wear and that is affecting us. What is your style? What do you love to wear – can this be incorporated into your daily life at work or home? Are you able to wear what you want? If not, could you add an accessory that is all YOU and makes your personality shine and you feel fab!

I am extremely lucky that I can wear what I want to work – there is no dress code and whilst many days I find this challenging, I am pushing myself to wear what I want to express who I am and not to be concerned about others. I am being more ‘me’ and happy to get my quirky, fun and weird self on show! Oh and embrace your inner and outer weirdness whilst you’re at it! You don’t want to be ‘normal’!

Whilst in New York, I learnt that no-one cares what you look like or what you wear. They will happily take you as they find you. Everyone is welcome! So lets bring some embracing New Yorkness into our everyday lives and wear what the heck you want!

Love what you wear, love how you look and love who you are! You are fantastic and I’ve got your back! Look after you.

Have a lovely week and thank you so much for reading. 😁

Love Emma xxx

8 thoughts on “Dress To Impress….You!

  1. Hello Emma , love your photo you being you … I look forward to your blog .. I dress from the feet up these days as needs must.. I like comfort .. love Purples and blues . Your suit the colours too take care May xx

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Always lovely to hear you have read it! Thank you! Purples are the best πŸ˜„ Take care xx


  2. Great post! I find that I can tell a lot about my moods by how I dress, which can be both interesting and confronting. I love the outfit in your photo x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, dressing to your mood is what I tend to do and if I feel I need more of a lift then I try to wear something brighter. x

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      1. I tend to go the other way and if I am in a mood of resignation, I dress like a total dag!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you for liking my outfit. I had fun wearing it! x

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